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类型:电影 剧情 喜剧 家庭 运动
主演:MarquesHouston OmariGrandberry JenniferFreeman

"You Got Served"是Marques Houston与Omarion领衔主演的歌舞片,导演兼编剧是他们的经纪人Chris Stokes。看到这三个名字,观众们就知道这是Imx和B2K家族的“明星真人秀”。"You got served"意思是“你逊毙了”,主角在击败对手后说的口头禅。

影片剧情非常单纯:Marques扮演的Elgin和Omarion扮演的David带头组建街舞队,立志取得街舞比赛冠军,获得与Lil Kim合作的机会。但在单纯的主线中,编剧穿插了大量套路桥段:①白人队偷师主角编舞,主角队叛徒后来认错;②大哥的妹妹爱上二哥,导致大哥与二哥闹不和;③二哥退出街舞队后迷途知返,上演《洛奇》式训练;④小弟意外死于街头,全队在决赛时对他致敬...这其中还有许多明显bug,比如主角家里住着中产别墅,名牌鞋一天一换,却为几百刀反目成仇;小弟刚刚过世,全队就不知道从哪找来印着他名字的merch套装...评论一:真正got served是全体观众;二:这不是喜剧片,但我从头笑到尾;三:每条支线都只是一般程度的陈腐,但浓缩到95分钟里,已经达到了致死量。

本片业界评价很差,烂番茄新鲜度14%,入选imdb史上最差电影榜单,排名为歌舞片最前。但就观众反响来看成绩不错,美国票房超过4000万美金,甚至被一部分人列为"cult movie",认为它是00年代最好的街舞电影。这是可以理解的,虽然主角们演技非常着急,剧情即视感很强,但Marques与Omarion的舞技不容置疑,开场与结尾决赛舞蹈很精彩。

另一个闪光点就是它的原声带了:B2K的最后一张大碟,也有当时刚出道的男团ATL与年仅15岁的Jhené Aiko。专辑中"Streets Is Callin"被取样到Doja Cat的"Streets",而我最喜欢的是"Sprung": "Baby it's official, I'm tired of looking at you out my window, I peep you when you coming home from work",暗恋的情节很像Bobby V的"Slow Down (Remix)"。

电影宣发结束后,B2K便正式解散。唱片公司本想扶持ATL接替,却没成功,Jhené Aiko也是到10年代后半才开始走红。B2K解散后Omarion个人事业顺利,而另外三位则淡出公众视线,直到去年的B2K Millennium Tour,人们才又想起这个新千年红极一时的黑人组合。值得一提的是,Stokes的剧本是为Ginuwine和Aaliyah准备的,但因后者于01年意外过世,而放弃了该计划。


this movie left me with lot of questions.

where are everyone's parents? why is steve harvey the only father figure? what is jakee doing in a movie? the house looked better than mine, as did the cell phones, clothes and shoes - why do those kids need money? how does that one guy have a car if he has no money? what are they "delivering"? newspapers? are these kids in high school? do they have jobs? why are most of the white people evil? why, in a movie who's central premise is dancing, is most of the dancing so boring? what's with the plot holes? what's up with the cheesy as hell montages? lil saint is alive one day and dead the next - where did everyone get their "lil saint" gear? is there a lil saint store? why is lil kim in a movie intended for anyone under 18? did it occur to anyone that reciting lines in front of a camera is not acting?

oh the cliches - to numerous to count. i'm beginning to think there really is a cliche handbook.

i gave this movie a 2. only because as bad as it was, it was still better than matrix revolutions."<>""}

"You Got Served"是Marques Houston与Omarion领衔主演的歌舞片,导演兼编剧是他们的经纪人Chris Stokes。看到这三个名字,观众们就知道这是Imx和B2K家族的“明星真人秀”。"You got served"意思是“你逊毙了”,主角在击败对手后说的口头禅。

影片剧情非常单纯:Marques扮演的Elgin和Omarion扮演的David带头组建街舞队,立志取得街舞比赛冠军,获得与Lil Kim合作的机会。但在单纯的主线中,编剧穿插了大量套路桥段:①白人队偷师主角编舞,主角队叛徒后来认错;②大哥的妹妹爱上二哥,导致大哥与二哥闹不和;③二哥退出街舞队后迷途知返,上演《洛奇》式训练;④小弟意外死于街头,全队在决赛时对他致敬...这其中还有许多明显bug,比如主角家里住着中产别墅,名牌鞋一天一换,却为几百刀反目成仇;小弟刚刚过世,全队就不知道从哪找来印着他名字的merch套装...评论一:真正got served是全体观众;二:这不是喜剧片,但我从头笑到尾;三:每条支线都只是一般程度的陈腐,但浓缩到95分钟里,已经达到了致死量。

本片业界评价很差,烂番茄新鲜度14%,入选imdb史上最差电影榜单,排名为歌舞片最前。但就观众反响来看成绩不错,美国票房超过4000万美金,甚至被一部分人列为"cult movie",认为它是00年代最好的街舞电影。这是可以理解的,虽然主角们演技非常着急,剧情即视感很强,但Marques与Omarion的舞技不容置疑,开场与结尾决赛舞蹈很精彩。

另一个闪光点就是它的原声带了:B2K的最后一张大碟,也有当时刚出道的男团ATL与年仅15岁的Jhené Aiko。专辑中"Streets Is Callin"被取样到Doja Cat的"Streets",而我最喜欢的是"Sprung": "Baby it's official, I'm tired of looking at you out my window, I peep you when you coming home from work",暗恋的情节很像Bobby V的"Slow Down (Remix)"。

电影宣发结束后,B2K便正式解散。唱片公司本想扶持ATL接替,却没成功,Jhené Aiko也是到10年代后半才开始走红。B2K解散后Omarion个人事业顺利,而另外三位则淡出公众视线,直到去年的B2K Millennium Tour,人们才又想起这个新千年红极一时的黑人组合。值得一提的是,Stokes的剧本是为Ginuwine和Aaliyah准备的,但因后者于01年意外过世,而放弃了该计划。


this movie left me with lot of questions.

where are everyone's parents? why is steve harvey the only father figure? what is jakee doing in a movie? the house looked better than mine, as did the cell phones, clothes and shoes - why do those kids need money? how does that one guy have a car if he has no money? what are they "delivering"? newspapers? are these kids in high school? do they have jobs? why are most of the white people evil? why, in a movie who's central premise is dancing, is most of the dancing so boring? what's with the plot holes? what's up with the cheesy as hell montages? lil saint is alive one day and dead the next - where did everyone get their "lil saint" gear? is there a lil saint store? why is lil kim in a movie intended for anyone under 18? did it occur to anyone that reciting lines in front of a camera is not acting?

oh the cliches - to numerous to count. i'm beginning to think there really is a cliche handbook.

i gave this movie a 2. only because as bad as it was, it was still better than matrix revolutions.{else}在黑人青年埃尔金(马奎斯·休斯顿MarquesHouston饰)和大卫(OmarionGrandberry饰)的生命中,舞蹈有着不可撼动的崇高地位,无论是快乐还是悲伤,他们都能通过舞蹈将感情传递和发散出来。互为死党的两人有一个共同的梦想,那就是能够通过舞蹈一旦中了科举就扬名天下一下子就出了名,他们想要将他们独特的舞姿录成录影带公开发行,通过他们的热情带领更多的人们领略舞蹈的魅力。\r\n  两个白人青年的出现打破了埃尔金和大卫的梦想,他们不仅剽窃了两人精心设计的舞蹈,更是对此无耻的行径丝毫不把它放在心上表示对人、对事抱轻视态度。为了维护自己的梦想,埃尔金和大卫向剽窃者发出了挑战,他们要用更热烈,更完美的舞姿来彰显实力。通向成功的道路并不平坦,但只要心存梦想,就能够勇敢地一直向前进。{end if}收起

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