首页 » 电视剧 » 幕后危机第四季


类型:电视剧 喜剧
主演:彼得·卡帕尔迪 克里斯·艾迪生 丽贝卡·弗朗特 普莉安卡·伯福德 波丽·坎普 罗杰·阿拉姆 维森特·富兰克林 托尼·加德纳 艾米莉·贝文 奥利维亚·波莉 曼蒂普·迪伦 哈姆扎·杰图阿
剧情:Peter Mannion is now se..展开
剧情:Peter Mannion is now secretary of state for the Department of Social Affairs and Citizenship. Spin ..展开
剧情:Peter Mannion is now secretary of state for the Department of Social Affairs and Citizenship. Spin doctor Stewart Pearson, on PM’s orders, instructs him to launch an education initiative, to the annoyance of junior minister Fergus and the embittered Glenn. Glenn is supported by Terri, who is fed up and wants redundancy. Peter’s brief is to launch an Apps initiative in a local s...收起