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类型:电影 喜剧 爱情
主演:玛吉·吉伦哈尔 休·丹西 乔纳森·普雷斯 菲丽希缇·琼斯 鲁伯特·艾弗雷特 阿什利·詹森 谢里丹·史密斯
剧情:本片根据真人真事改编。\r\n  怀抱着救人理..展开
剧情:本片根据真人真事改编。\r\n  怀抱着救人理念的年轻医生莫蒂默(休?丹西HughDancy饰)因为和许多医院的经营理念不合,数度被辞退。在寻找工作的过程中,找到了达尔林善尔医生的诊所。这是一家专门..展开
剧情:{if:"It's very hard for a woman who has been brought up to be sweet and clingy to stand up in front of 2,500 people to say 'OK,now listen to me' You have really a tromandous sense of power.The fact that these women can get on stage and talk about rape, that is feminism. Women have been silent about this for hundreds of thousands of years.I think that people like about my narrotive right now is that I'm like David and Goliath. giant slayer. This nobody little girl stood up to the Big Bad Wolf. And onece youself stand up against power then the narrative changes.Comics are here to hold that mirror To be like 'This is us.' I think it was George Carlin who calls us comidians Morden-day Philosophers. We're also whistle-blowers.It's my job to stand up here alone in the dark and tell you where I see bullshit.

"<>""}It's very hard for a woman who has been brought up to be sweet and clingy to stand up in front of 2,500 people to say 'OK,now listen to me' You have really a tromandous sense of power.The fact that these women can get on stage and talk about rape, that is feminism. Women have been silent about this for hundreds of thousands of years.I think that people like about my narrotive right now is that I'm like David and Goliath. giant slayer. This nobody little girl stood up to the Big Bad Wolf. And onece youself stand up against power then the narrative changes.Comics are here to hold that mirror To be like 'This is us.' I think it was George Carlin who calls us comidians Morden-day Philosophers. We're also whistle-blowers.It's my job to stand up here alone in the dark and tell you where I see bullshit.

{else}本片根据真人真事改编。\r\n  怀抱着救人理念的年轻医生莫蒂默(休?丹西HughDancy饰)因为和许多医院的经营理念不合,数度被辞退。在寻找工作的过程中,找到了达尔林善尔医生的诊所。这是一家专门服务女性,治疗学名为“歇斯底里症”疾病的地方。莫蒂默在这里学会了手指按摩法,也在这邂逅了医生的2位性格迥异的女儿。姐姐夏洛蒂(玛吉?吉伦哈尔MaggieGyllenhaal饰)是位女权主义者,开着救济所;而妹妹艾米丽(菲丽希缇?琼斯FelicityJones饰)则是位世家望族中有才德的女子也有钱有势人家的女儿。医院的生意越来越好,却让莫蒂默的手吃不消。因一次手痉挛,莫蒂默没能让一位顾客得到满意,因此被医生将坏东西彻底清除出去也没收全部财产,赶出家门。回到朋友埃德蒙(鲁伯特?艾弗雷特RupertEverett饰)家中,看到其发明的电动鸡毛掸,莫蒂默产生了一个奇妙的想法。而这个想法给女性们带来福音和欢乐,无形中也支...{end if}收起

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