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类型:电视剧 剧情
主演:LucDeRuelle ZouzouBenChikha SouadBoukhatem MaaikeCafmeyer AiméClaeys BartClaeys MiekeDeGroote 若斯·德波夫 PietDePraitere LoreDejonckheere WernerGielis PeterGorissen VeerleMalschaert EminMektepli 玛艾可·纽维尔 An

Despite the many bad reviews on here and on IMDB, especially about the ending, IMO it wasn’t that bad.

I agree that some logic of this waa fundamentally flawed - eg combining two unrelated murders in the same trial. I am not familiar wirh Belgium’s criminal legal system but it does not seem to make sense.

I agree with the many complaints about the jury discussion - it’s a pity that the jury discussion was rushed through. I would have appreciated more thorough discussion especially after 9.5 epsidoes of the court drama. However it’s not entirely unbelievable that the jury came to the verdict with a made up mind. That’s what this show is about - discussing jury trial and the laymen jury as people who make life altering decision about a woman’s fate.

Some good things about the show - I liked how the show slowly reveals more details - it was suspensful and made for great tv. "<>""}

Despite the many bad reviews on here and on IMDB, especially about the ending, IMO it wasn’t that bad.

I agree that some logic of this waa fundamentally flawed - eg combining two unrelated murders in the same trial. I am not familiar wirh Belgium’s criminal legal system but it does not seem to make sense.

I agree with the many complaints about the jury discussion - it’s a pity that the jury discussion was rushed through. I would have appreciated more thorough discussion especially after 9.5 epsidoes of the court drama. However it’s not entirely unbelievable that the jury came to the verdict with a made up mind. That’s what this show is about - discussing jury trial and the laymen jury as people who make life altering decision about a woman’s fate.

Some good things about the show - I liked how the show slowly reveals more details - it was suspensful and made for great tv. {else}Twelveordinarypeoplearecalledforjurydutyforamurdercaseastraumatizingasitiscontroversialinwhichawomanstandstrialforkillingherownblood.{end if}收起

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