首页 » 电视剧 » 扪心问诊第三季


类型:电视剧 剧情
主演:加布里埃尔·伯恩 伊尔凡·可汗 索尼亚·瓦格尔 黛安·韦斯特 萨马拉·查卡拉蒂 苏珊·米斯纳尔
剧情:{if:" HBO就把《in treatment》拍到第三季,没有继续往下拍。继上一季,主人公心理医生离了婚搬到纽约后,其中年危机全面爆发:停止了和其督导师十好几年督导关系,以前的老婆也有了新欢要结婚了,感觉自己青春期的孩子也远了,找了三十多岁的女朋友,于是开始了本季的故事。第三季的导演,编剧都没有变,风格不变:几乎无外景,几乎无背景音乐,完全靠演技和台词支撑。   本季有三个来访者,和一个新的“督导师”:一个刚死了老婆的五十多岁的印度男人,他娶了个美国媳妇的儿子要尽孝把他接到美国来;结果老爹不适应,还和媳妇在养孩子等问题上有矛盾,冷战,憋着回国,不能老死他乡。于是来跟咨询师侃大山,说着说着就说到了年轻的时候,初恋女友未婚先孕自杀什么的,怀疑儿媳有外遇什么的…后来才发现原来这他是想利用咨询师高估自己的暴力倾向,让自己被遣返回国。但,他的确想咨询师袒露了许多真实的想法。  一著名歌剧女演员,她妈死于乳腺癌,她妹也因为乳腺癌病入膏肓,前一阵儿还离了婚,她女儿正是青春期跟家长对着干的年纪。带着愧疚于当年没有及时赶到病危母亲的病床前,带着对妹妹愧疚+喜爱+嫉妒的情绪,她一直在逃避照顾妹妹的责任,且没有勇气去要自己去做乳腺检查。咨询师一直就是去鼓励她去做该做的事儿。 17岁,gay,被养父母养大,突然在成人之际,接到了亲生父母的信。于是,纠结了。咨询师一面鼓励他去和亲生父母联系,一面帮助其认识自己和养父母的关系。但他始终带着“自己哪里做的不好,为什么是我被抛弃”的角度看待周围的人和事儿的。最后他还是唐突终止了咨询,因为他爸爸突然变的和他亲近起来,而使他认为一切问题已经解决。但是咨询师却不这么认为。 主人公咨询师,刚离婚,上一季死了爹,离开了熟悉的督导师。现实生活中的情感来源都突然消失,他开始从来访者身上获取补偿,其表现就是出色完美的移情,有时会超越了咨询师的界限而作为朋友,父亲来关爱来访者;而在面对新督导师的时候,他也像教课书中的案例一样,爱上了他的督导师---一个小他十几岁的洞察力超强的女人。      我想编剧和导演是在表达这样的疑问:朋友和咨询师之间边界应该是多宽?   记下的剧中口语:=====================================================================多装逼啊!What a ham! 有几天没洗澡刮胡子了。He hasn’t showered or shaved in days. 任何有营养价值东西是没门儿的。Anything of nutritional value is out of question. 他一直这么难搞嘛?Has he always been this challenging? 只是种感觉。Just a sense, I get. 对谁也没好处。I don’t think it is gonna do anybody any good. 宅男Shut-in 心脏衰竭并发症Complication following heart failure 手机调静音Silencing your phone! 原话就是真么说的。(虽然我不怎么同意)Quote unquote 你还是未成年。You are a minor. 闭嘴,别烦我!Get off my back. 就好像你明白了什么似的.Like this all makes perfect sense to you. 搞清楚你自己在想什么很重要。I think it is important to you to articulate what is going on inside your head. 你一纠结,就去浪了。In period of real emotional confusion, you seek out sex. 自我沉迷,自恋Self-involved, narcissistic 你什么意思?What are you implying? 你觉得这说得对吗?Do you think there is any truth in that assertion? 时间紧迫The clock was ticking. 这很正常.It is fairly ordinary. 这很合理。It makes a lot of sense. 简直一模一样Like two peas in a pod 我可没这么说。Didn’t say that. 听我的吧,照我说的去做。Be my guest. 我想帮你理清你的情绪。I want to help you sort out what you are feeling. 座机Landline 他那时把我惹毛了。He was getting on my nerves. 我不在乎。I don’t give a shit. 免费Pro bono 把话说完。Finish the thought. 有些人真是不愿意被夸啊。Someone really have hard time taking a compliment. 自我毁灭;事与愿违,适得其反Self-sabotage, self-defeating 没有什么可说的了。There is nothing to be done. 我会用脑子记下来。I will make mental note. 全天候Round-the-clock 我们的时间到了。We are out of time. 我没能这样做.I cannot bring myself to do that. 说正经的…I give you my solemn word that… 他们并不是相互矛盾的情感.They are not mutually exclusive emotions. 一根筋One-track mind 我们不对付着长大的。We are opposites, growing up. 她心血来潮去试镜。She had auditioned on a whim. 他们把她关进了精神病院。They institutionalize her. 别在那呼呼噜噜说话。Don’t mumble. 这些东西让我恶心。Those things give me the creeps. 这是很好的论点。 It is a valid point. 你真恶心。You are sick. 您老人家要去哪?Where is your royal highness going? 你和你妈通常是这样嘛?Is that the way you and your mother normally interacted? 他疏远你了。He shut you out. 你怎么这都没看出来?How can you not see that? 你想什么呢? 啥也没想。What’s happening in your head? Static. 别放音乐了, 太难听了.Dad, cease, please. Those are not even the words. 紫着眼睛来的。(被打的)He showed up with black eyes. 你为什么提他?Who do you bring him up? 一把屎一把尿的养大。She spent years raising this kid, feeding him, clothing him. 我被…完全占据了思绪。I am consumed with…(idea) 你觉得必须找到它。You felt compelled to search for it. 如果事情确实是这样的…If this is indeed the case, … 这不是他们自己的事儿吗?(你瞎掺和什么?) Isn’t it rightfully their business? 无意冒犯, 我不认为是这样。 With all due respect, I don’t think it is. (衣服,发型)很好看Becoming 你气冲冲的离开的房间。You stormed out of the room. 我是弥补错误去了,不是吵架去了。I want to make amends, not pick a fight. 他们能看穿我。They were gonna see right through me. 你对她的评价不予理睬。You dismiss her comment. 她把自己打扮得很漂亮。She handled herself beautifully. 你感觉在医院不自在,不合适。You felt out of place at the hospital. 药性消失。The meds would wear off. 他对这有神马反应?How did he take that? 你能就单独想这件事儿不要联系其他吗?Can you just leave it alone? 她脸色发青。She turns green. 大摇大摆的走Waltz 悄悄话Tete-a-tete 只是个比喻。It is figure of speech. 我们把它从零件组装起来。We build them from kit. 她找到了她的使命。She found her calling. 你怎么会有这么印象的?How you arrive this impression? 很大的打击啊!It was a terrible blow. 坦白的说,……In so many words, …… 我让你害怕担心了.I have alarmed you. 你对这怎么看?What do you make of this? 看谁先眨眼? (两人对峙,看谁先松口) Who blink first? 也许是这她打破沉默(主动联系)的方式.Maybe that is her way of breaking the ice. 她紧张时候总是舔嘴唇,她忍不住.She always licks her lips when she gets nervous. It is compulsive.我出去和人上床去了.I went out and got laid. 她有一大帮朋友一起解决这个事情.She’ got an army of girlfriends on top of that. 如释重负.It must be a huge weight lifted. 你开始慢慢喜欢他了吗?Has he been growing on you at all? 不要急于下结论。Let’s not leap to conclusion here. 傲人的体面(装逼)Glaring decency 难道我帮助一个陷入困境的病人有什么不对吗?I, god forbid tried to help a troubled patient?避免交通堵塞Beat the traffic 我本不该多嘴。I could have kept my mouth shut. 大可不必。That’s not really necessary. 我话说的再清楚不过了。I don’t think I could say it anymore clearly. 我鼓起所有勇气才走过他。 It took everything I had to muster the courage to walk past him.这是你第一次这么想吗?Was that the moment when it first occurred to you? 他是迷人的华尔街式的人。(高帅富)He is a fancy wall street guy. 你完全可以……There is no reason why you cannot write K back. 你什么意思?What point are you trying to make? 开头事情不怎么样。Things looked pretty grim at the beginning. 在这个节骨眼上停下来是不对的。I felt that stopping at this juncture would be wrong. 非得这样儿吗?It is really that irresistible? 我希望你能换个角度想想这些话。 I hope that you can put that remark in perspective. Izzy从哪得到她的学位的? (讽刺她的观点不对)Where did Izzy get her degree? 我在这世间看重的东西并不多,相互信任便是其中之一。There isn’t much in this world that I hold sacred, but one of the thing that I do is trust.躲避售票员 Dodge the conductor 一劳永逸地Once and for all 没有什么“但是”。There are no buts. 咱们就事儿说事儿。(不要说隐含意义)Let’s take everything at face value. "<>""} HBO就把《in treatment》拍到第三季,没有继续往下拍。继上一季,主人公心理医生离了婚搬到纽约后,其中年危机全面爆发:停止了和其督导师十好几年督导关系,以前的老婆也有了新欢要结婚了,感觉自己青春期的孩子也远了,找了三十多岁的女朋友,于是开始了本季的故事。第三季的导演,编剧都没有变,风格不变:几乎无外景,几乎无背景音乐,完全靠演技和台词支撑。   本季有三个来访者,和一个新的“督导师”:一个刚死了老婆的五十多岁的印度男人,他娶了个美国媳妇的儿子要尽孝把他接到美国来;结果老爹不适应,还和媳妇在养孩子等问题上有矛盾,冷战,憋着回国,不能老死他乡。于是来跟咨询师侃大山,说着说着就说到了年轻的时候,初恋女友未婚先孕自杀什么的,怀疑儿媳有外遇什么的…后来才发现原来这他是想利用咨询师高估自己的暴力倾向,让自己被遣返回国。但,他的确想咨询师袒露了许多真实的想法。  一著名歌剧女演员,她妈死于乳腺癌,她妹也因为乳腺癌病入膏肓,前一阵儿还离了婚,她女儿正是青春期跟家长对着干的年纪。带着愧疚于当年没有及时赶到病危母亲的病床前,带着对妹妹愧疚+喜爱+嫉妒的情绪,她一直在逃避照顾妹妹的责任,且没有勇气去要自己去做乳腺检查。咨询师一直就是去鼓励她去做该做的事儿。 17岁,gay,被养父母养大,突然在成人之际,接到了亲生父母的信。于是,纠结了。咨询师一面鼓励他去和亲生父母联系,一面帮助其认识自己和养父母的关系。但他始终带着“自己哪里做的不好,为什么是我被抛弃”的角度看待周围的人和事儿的。最后他还是唐突终止了咨询,因为他爸爸突然变的和他亲近起来,而使他认为一切问题已经解决。但是咨询师却不这么认为。 主人公咨询师,刚离婚,上一季死了爹,离开了熟悉的督导师。现实生活中的情感来源都突然消失,他开始从来访者身上获取补偿,其表现就是出色完美的移情,有时会超越了咨询师的界限而作为朋友,父亲来关爱来访者;而在面对新督导师的时候,他也像教课书中的案例一样,爱上了他的督导师---一个小他十几岁的洞察力超强的女人。      我想编剧和导演是在表达这样的疑问:朋友和咨询师之间边界应该是多宽?   记下的剧中口语:=====================================================================多装逼啊!What a ham! 有几天没洗澡刮胡子了。He hasn’t showered or shaved in days. 任何有营养价值东西是没门儿的。Anything of nutritional value is out of question. 他一直这么难搞嘛?Has he always been this challenging? 只是种感觉。Just a sense, I get. 对谁也没好处。I don’t think it is gonna do anybody any good. 宅男Shut-in 心脏衰竭并发症Complication following heart failure 手机调静音Silencing your phone! 原话就是真么说的。(虽然我不怎么同意)Quote unquote 你还是未成年。You are a minor. 闭嘴,别烦我!Get off my back. 就好像你明白了什么似的.Like this all makes perfect sense to you. 搞清楚你自己在想什么很重要。I think it is important to you to articulate what is going on inside your head. 你一纠结,就去浪了。In period of real emotional confusion, you seek out sex. 自我沉迷,自恋Self-involved, narcissistic 你什么意思?What are you implying? 你觉得这说得对吗?Do you think there is any truth in that assertion? 时间紧迫The clock was ticking. 这很正常.It is fairly ordinary. 这很合理。It makes a lot of sense. 简直一模一样Like two peas in a pod 我可没这么说。Didn’t say that. 听我的吧,照我说的去做。Be my guest. 我想帮你理清你的情绪。I want to help you sort out what you are feeling. 座机Landline 他那时把我惹毛了。He was getting on my nerves. 我不在乎。I don’t give a shit. 免费Pro bono 把话说完。Finish the thought. 有些人真是不愿意被夸啊。Someone really have hard time taking a compliment. 自我毁灭;事与愿违,适得其反Self-sabotage, self-defeating 没有什么可说的了。There is nothing to be done. 我会用脑子记下来。I will make mental note. 全天候Round-the-clock 我们的时间到了。We are out of time. 我没能这样做.I cannot bring myself to do that. 说正经的…I give you my solemn word that… 他们并不是相互矛盾的情感.They are not mutually exclusive emotions. 一根筋One-track mind 我们不对付着长大的。We are opposites, growing up. 她心血来潮去试镜。She had auditioned on a whim. 他们把她关进了精神病院。They institutionalize her. 别在那呼呼噜噜说话。Don’t mumble. 这些东西让我恶心。Those things give me the creeps. 这是很好的论点。 It is a valid point. 你真恶心。You are sick. 您老人家要去哪?Where is your royal highness going? 你和你妈通常是这样嘛?Is that the way you and your mother normally interacted? 他疏远你了。He shut you out. 你怎么这都没看出来?How can you not see that? 你想什么呢? 啥也没想。What’s happening in your head? Static. 别放音乐了, 太难听了.Dad, cease, please. Those are not even the words. 紫着眼睛来的。(被打的)He showed up with black eyes. 你为什么提他?Who do you bring him up? 一把屎一把尿的养大。She spent years raising this kid, feeding him, clothing him. 我被…完全占据了思绪。I am consumed with…(idea) 你觉得必须找到它。You felt compelled to search for it. 如果事情确实是这样的…If this is indeed the case, … 这不是他们自己的事儿吗?(你瞎掺和什么?) Isn’t it rightfully their business? 无意冒犯, 我不认为是这样。 With all due respect, I don’t think it is. (衣服,发型)很好看Becoming 你气冲冲的离开的房间。You stormed out of the room. 我是弥补错误去了,不是吵架去了。I want to make amends, not pick a fight. 他们能看穿我。They were gonna see right through me. 你对她的评价不予理睬。You dismiss her comment. 她把自己打扮得很漂亮。She handled herself beautifully. 你感觉在医院不自在,不合适。You felt out of place at the hospital. 药性消失。The meds would wear off. 他对这有神马反应?How did he take that? 你能就单独想这件事儿不要联系其他吗?Can you just leave it alone? 她脸色发青。She turns green. 大摇大摆的走Waltz 悄悄话Tete-a-tete 只是个比喻。It is figure of speech. 我们把它从零件组装起来。We build them from kit. 她找到了她的使命。She found her calling. 你怎么会有这么印象的?How you arrive this impression? 很大的打击啊!It was a terrible blow. 坦白的说,……In so many words, …… 我让你害怕担心了.I have alarmed you. 你对这怎么看?What do you make of this? 看谁先眨眼? (两人对峙,看谁先松口) Who blink first? 也许是这她打破沉默(主动联系)的方式.Maybe that is her way of breaking the ice. 她紧张时候总是舔嘴唇,她忍不住.She always licks her lips when she gets nervous. It is compulsive.我出去和人上床去了.I went out and got laid. 她有一大帮朋友一起解决这个事情.She’ got an army of girlfriends on top of that. 如释重负.It must be a huge weight lifted. 你开始慢慢喜欢他了吗?Has he been growing on you at all? 不要急于下结论。Let’s not leap to conclusion here. 傲人的体面(装逼)Glaring decency 难道我帮助一个陷入困境的病人有什么不对吗?I, god forbid tried to help a troubled patient?避免交通堵塞Beat the traffic 我本不该多嘴。I could have kept my mouth shut. 大可不必。That’s not really necessary. 我话说的再清楚不过了。I don’t think I could say it anymore clearly. 我鼓起所有勇气才走过他。 It took everything I had to muster the courage to walk past him.这是你第一次这么想吗?Was that the moment when it first occurred to you? 他是迷人的华尔街式的人。(高帅富)He is a fancy wall street guy. 你完全可以……There is no reason why you cannot write K back. 你什么意思?What point are you trying to make? 开头事情不怎么样。Things looked pretty grim at the beginning. 在这个节骨眼上停下来是不对的。I felt that stopping at this juncture would be wrong. 非得这样儿吗?It is really that irresistible? 我希望你能换个角度想想这些话。 I hope that you can put that remark in perspective. Izzy从哪得到她的学位的? (讽刺她的观点不对)Where did Izzy get her degree? 我在这世间看重的东西并不多,相互信任便是其中之一。There isn’t much in this world that I hold sacred, but one of the thing that I do is trust.躲避售票员 Dodge the conductor 一劳永逸地Once and for all 没有什么“但是”。There are no buts. 咱们就事儿说事儿。(不要说隐含意义)Let’s take everything at face value. {else}{end if}收起
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