首页 » 电影 » 印度刺客:萨达尔·辛格


类型:电影 剧情 传记 历史 犯罪
主演:维杰·卡沙尔 肖恩·斯科特 斯蒂芬·霍根 AmolParashar 芭妮塔·桑德胡 柯尔斯蒂·阿弗顿 安德鲁·哈维尔 SamRedford AlbrechtZander 蒂姆·贝灵顿 马克·林伍德 西蒙·韦尔 蒂姆·哈德森 理查德·格洛弗 NicholasGecks

Sardar Udham is a highly realistic and at times, following depiction of the relatively unknown freedom fighter who decides to avenge the Jallianwala Baug massacre. Travelling all the way to London to execute the two officials who responsible for the most inhuman act in British India, Udham Singh takes a long time to execute his plan. But he is successful at the end.Not only does crime mean that killing other people though individual beaviours but also it does refer to a brutal madsacre towards a country.For Sardar Udham,it may be a relief of the pain but does not justify the crime. Men who dream of greater heights do not rest util death. Sardar udham singh is one with this personality.


Sardar Udham is a highly realistic and at times, following depiction of the relatively unknown freedom fighter who decides to avenge the Jallianwala Baug massacre. Travelling all the way to London to execute the two officials who responsible for the most inhuman act in British India, Udham Singh takes a long time to execute his plan. But he is successful at the end.Not only does crime mean that killing other people though individual beaviours but also it does refer to a brutal madsacre towards a country.For Sardar Udham,it may be a relief of the pain but does not justify the crime. Men who dream of greater heights do not rest util death. Sardar udham singh is one with this personality.

{else}本片根据真实事件改编,讲述了1940年3月,乌达姆·辛格在伦敦枪杀迈克尔·奥德怀尔爵士事件始末。年轻的乌达姆·辛格立志投身革命,争取自由平等。1919年,乌达姆·辛格亲眼见证了阿姆利则惨案,于是参与革命奋起反抗殖民统治者,后被捕入狱。获释后,乌达姆·辛格辗转逃到伦敦,潜伏于当地革命组织,等待报仇。六年后,他在卡克斯顿音乐厅枪杀了参会的奥德怀尔爵士,并打伤多名前英印政府高官。他带着21年未愈合的伤口,在压力和面前不屈服,表现十分顽强地走完了艰难的复仇之路,最后英勇就义。{end if}收起

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