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导演:金铁木 薛继军
剧情:◎简  介\r\n  有谁听过圆明园历史上最华..展开
剧情:◎简  介\r\n  有谁听过圆明园历史上最华彩的那段乐章?\r\n  有谁见过圆明园历史上最宏丽的画卷?\r\n  有谁亲身游历过那座精艳绝伦的“万园之园”?\r\n  圆明园的历史不是从1860..展开

As the most disgraceful tragedy in Chinese history, the collapse of Yuanmingyuan witnessed the withering dynasty. Kangxi started this maglificent palace; Yongzheng with his son enjoyed it. However, it was destroyed at the hands of Qianlong and Xianfeng. The predecessors built it for their sons, grandsons, or even grant-grandsons. but under the citcumstance of those shameful foreign robbers, all the precious on this land vanishes with much regret and tears.

Modern people call for the rebuilding of Yuanmingyuan. But i strongly disagree not only because it will cost much man power and material resources which could have been used in other ways, but also I hope people nowadays could always remember the shameful history to motivate our generations after generations. "<>""}

As the most disgraceful tragedy in Chinese history, the collapse of Yuanmingyuan witnessed the withering dynasty. Kangxi started this maglificent palace; Yongzheng with his son enjoyed it. However, it was destroyed at the hands of Qianlong and Xianfeng. The predecessors built it for their sons, grandsons, or even grant-grandsons. but under the citcumstance of those shameful foreign robbers, all the precious on this land vanishes with much regret and tears.

Modern people call for the rebuilding of Yuanmingyuan. But i strongly disagree not only because it will cost much man power and material resources which could have been used in other ways, but also I hope people nowadays could always remember the shameful history to motivate our generations after generations. {else}◎简  介\r\n  有谁听过圆明园历史上最华彩的那段乐章?\r\n  有谁见过圆明园历史上最宏丽的画卷?\r\n  有谁亲身游历过那座精艳绝伦的“万园之园”?\r\n  圆明园的历史不是从1860年开始的!\r\n  圆明园不仅是一部中华的屈辱史,\r\n  圆明园应是让国人更具民族自豪感的“万园之园”!\r\n  圆明园自1707年建园至今,已有近300年的历史\r\n  他不仅是一个城市的印象,更是一个国家,一个民族的印象。\r\n  但印象应该是完整的,而不留残缺的。\r\n  圆明园大型史诗性数字电影为圆明园的历史填补空白。\r\n  还世人一个完整,真实的圆明园!\r\n  语言在这350公顷,三大主题园林区,百余处园林景观面前是贫弱无力的\r\n  高清晰,数字化技术再现了圆明园从建园,扩建,被毁的历史全过程\r\n  绚丽的三维动画将一座恢弘壮阔的圆明园呈现,好似游历其中。\r\n  与真实演员相结合的拍摄手法,使影片更具真实性。\r\n  大型史诗性数字电影圆明园的真实,不仅是重现了圆明园...{end if}收起

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