首页 » 电视剧 » 海妖第一季


类型:电视剧 剧情 奇幻
导演:Davide Marengo
主演:ValentinaBellè MariaPiaCalzone OrnellaMuti 丹尼丝·坦图奇 迈克尔·莫罗内
剧情:hey are mythological cr..展开
剧情:hey are mythological creatures with captivating beauty. Sirens have come out onto the mainland to g..展开
剧情:{if:""<>""}{else}hey are mythological creatures with captivating beauty. Sirens have come out onto the mainland to give a future to their species, enchanting men with their magic. Playfully and charming but deeply vulnerable if they lack water, four sirens enter Naples, the city built by sirens, to conquer the hearts of men and mankind on their mission to save the world from selfishness. But wh...{end if}收起