首页 » 电影 » 九月里的三天


类型:电影 剧情 惊悚
导演:Darijan Pejovski
主演:KamkaTocinovski SalaetinBilal AleksandarMikic IrenaRistic FatosKryeziu KirilKorunovski 米莉察·斯托扬诺娃 AdemKaraga MentorZymberaj BlerimQeriqi
剧情:Three Days in September..展开
剧情:Three Days in September is a psychological thriller that deals with the implications of domestic an..展开
剧情:Three Days in September is a psychological thriller that deals with the implications of domestic and sexual violence. Jana and Marika meet on a train and quickly become friends. They go to the countryside, a remote mountain area that holds a lot of secrets about Jana’s past. The time moves slowly and anxiously, and the doubts as to their true intentions grow stronger. One by on...收起
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