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类型:电影 动画 动作
主演:关智一 子安武人 冰上恭子 立木文彦 冬马由美 井上喜久子 西川几雄 乡里大辅 岸野幸正 吉田信幸 麻见顺子 辻亲八 菅原淳一 室园丈裕 奥岛和美 王菲 吴镇宇 吴奇隆 陈慧琳 张柏芝 周慧敏 陈奕迅 徐怀钰 黎明 刘若英 任世官 Apollo Smile Kim Carrell 吉米·佐佩 丽莎·奥尔蒂斯
剧情:In the year of 1996, th..展开
剧情:In the year of 1996, the Soshiki organisation led by Adel, was crushed by the hands of Eiji, Kayin ..展开
剧情:In the year of 1996, the Soshiki organisation led by Adel, was crushed by the hands of Eiji, Kayin and Ellis. After the Soshiki’s reign of terror, all was thought to end the one-on-one battles. It was all a legend, until now. Now, in the year 2006, Eiji learned of some sacred weapons that could bring him all the power in the world, therefore, corrupting Eiji with an Evil Aura. ...收起
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