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导演:Paul Harrison Dermot Boyd
主演:NiallToibin ColinFarrell BoscoHogan 大卫·哈雷伍德 Catherine Cusack 菲奥娜·格拉斯科特 马克·本顿 Jerome Ehlers 尼尔·托伊宾 德乌拉·基尔万 简·菲利普斯 欧文·蒂尔 艾米莉亚·克劳利 维多莉亚·斯莫费特 琳娜·海蒂 唐·威彻利
剧情:Peter Clifford, a young..展开
剧情:Peter Clifford, a young Catholic priest from Manchester, is transferred to the village of Ballykiss..展开
剧情:Peter Clifford, a young Catholic priest from Manchester, is transferred to the village of Ballykissangel, Ireland, and is taken by the dry-humored publican Assumpta Fitzgerald who has almost the exact opposite of his good nature and dislikes the organized church. He has to deal with occasional battles against his hateful superior, Father MacAnally, and the day-to-day problems o...收起